Calling all IRONMEN:
Please put this date on your calendar. Saturday, October 23 will be gathering together for food, fellowship and fun at the 2nd Annual Ironmen family picnic.
Cannot wait for this year’s activities. It will be a great time… burgers, hot dogs, food and a time of fun and fellowship. There will kickball, cornhole throwing, donut eating contest and other fun stuff. You can just come eat and watch, you don’t have to participate in any of the activities or you can participate in any or all of them. It is meant to be a relaxing, fun day of fellowship for Ironmen and their families to get together in the spirit of brotherhood.
This is a family day… so please feel free to bring your family and if there’s anybody you want to invite as an outreach that would be awesome. We cannot wait for this great day. Look forward to seeing you all there. God bless you all.