COnnect dna:
- The Christian life was never intended to be lived in isolation – rather in and through our relationships with each other as family. We should remember we can’t do it alone.
- A DNA Group should consist of two, or more men gathered together on a regular basis.
DNA is an acronym for Discipleship, Nurture & Accountabiliy
- Reminding one another of our identity in Jesus Christ
- Admonishing and teaching one another to obey Jesus’s commands (Matthew 28:18-20)
- Encouraging one another to serve in tangible ways
- Getting deeply connected in the lives of one another
- Checking one another’s heart and passions by asking Spirit-led questions
- Praying with and for each other
- Encouraging and helping each other to live out what the scriptures say
- Speaking the truth in love as we see areas of sin, correcting and rebuking with God’s Word when necessary
- Pushing one another to pursue God-given goals