Biblical Manhood

  Greetings IronMen.  Do a quick Google search on Biblical Manhood and you’ll find page after page of links to all sorts of articles on the subject. With a topic this defined, you’d think that there would be universal agreement and movement for men who want to be more biblical.    In stead, you find…

Failure Isn’t Final

A IronMen of God Reminder Failure Isn’t Final I’m a firm believer that it is never as bad as it may look, and there are always alternatives, possibilities, and second chances.   As the late, great sage Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.” For many years, the Empire State Building in New…

What is Doctrine and Theology?

Many people in our contemporary Christian circles have a misunderstanding of what “theology” actually is. Theology is often rejected by many because sometimes people talk about theological subjects in ways that are overly intellectual, boring, too complex or far too subjective. And in many cases, people engage in theological debates that become divisive and mean-spirited. It’s…

Doctrine of the Word of God

God gave us the Bible as His Holy words; inspired by the Holy Spirit Himself. The Bible is incredibly unique and it is packed with history narratives, biographies, revelations, life lessons and great wisdom; but above all else it contains all necessary truth about God and His Divine attributes. In this section you’ll find everything you…

Doctrine of the Church

  Jesus Christ established the church; that is the organization, infrastructure, and frequent gathering of believers. There are many purposes for the organization of the church as well as many reasons for the assembling of the believers. In the links below you’ll find several topics being addressed related to the church.   For an extensive…

Doctrine of the Application of Redemption

  The Bible teaches us about a God that created humanity with His power and creativity, made in His image. Humans were to be friends with God. However, humans chose to sin, and in our rebellion we brought upon ourselves horrific consequences. The story could have ended there, but God, in His incredible love and…

Doctrine of Man in Relation to God

  We clearly and obviously believe that God created everything, including human beings. God’s ultimate desire in regards to humanity is to glorify Himself through us as He cultivates intimate vibrant friendships with His own creation. In the links herein, you’ll learn about a variety of topics relating to humanity, and more specifically, God’s relationship with…

Doctrine of God

We believe that there is clearly an intelligent higher power that created the universe as we know it. But this is not unique per se, there are many people of many different faiths that believe this to be true. What makes orthodox Christianity unique is the fact that we are confident in the precise name,…

Doctrine of Future

  At some point in human history, Jesus Christ will return to planet Earth, and the time period of human history in which we currently live will come to the end. The Bible is very clear that this current era of human history, as well as the current reign of sin, will eventually come to a…